1. Where's home to you? I've lived in lots of different places, but I still feel that my true home is Minnesota, where I was raised.
2. What was the last thing you read? An essay in the New York Times about how the purpose of reading is to acquire information, and yet we often forget what we read.
3. What's your favorite book? My favorite book that I read this year was "The Yiddish Policemen's Union" by Michael Chabon.
4. Tell us something about your experiences with writing. I've always enjoyed writing, but it has never come easy to me. Writing is often stressful, but I love the feeling I get when I have an interesting, well-written finished product to turn in. I also used to do a lot of journaling, but I don't now. I hope to get back into it this quarter.
5. What else should we know about you? Although I've been teaching for nine years, I've only been teaching (and living) in Columbus for one year. I still have a lot to learn about OSU and Ohio.