1. Where's home to you?
Even though I live in Ohio, my heart will always belong to my "home" state of Michigan. I grew up in the northeastern part of the lower peninsula (if you're looking at your hand like a glove its the part between your "pinkie" & ring fingers).
2. What was the last thing you read?
Other then the required reading, the last thing I read was a 12 page, 1.5 million dollar task order proposal from the company I work for to a possible new client. It wasn't thrilling in the least. Welcome to my world.
3. What's your favorite book?
It depends on what I'm in the mood for and honestly I can never narrow it down to just 1 book. Lately I've been reading a lot of non-fiction having to do with the relatively current events in Afghanistan & Pakistan, so my current top four are probably: Greg Mortenson's "Three Cups of Tea" & "Stones Into Schools", Marcus Luttrell's "Lone Survivor" and Doug Stanton's "Horse Soldiers"
4. Tell us something about your experiences with writing.
My elementary school was less then a mile from Interlochen Arts Academy, a world renowned fine arts boarding school, so I was exposed to a lot of creative writing when I was younger because students from the arts school would come down and work with us. Today, I spend most of my time writing business proposals and formal letters, so my creative outlet for writing is mainly blogging (being the mother of an 8 year old, I belong to several "Mommy Blogs").
5. What else should we know about you?
I love big words. I love to learn new words and try and insert them into conversations. I blame it on my family's life long addiction to extremely competitive games of Scrabble.
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