In the movie The Station Agent, Take place at Newfoundland, NJ. There are three main characters. Each character seems to be have their own problems, and also figuring out who they really are. Olivia is one of the main characters in the movie. We first meet Olivia, who also most run over Finbar McBride with her car. Finbar McBride is one of the main characters in the movie. Olivia Harris is the Character who had stood out the most out all the characters in the movie.
Olivia was mother and wife. She was married and had a son name Sam. After Olivia’s son, passed, than she decides to move away from her hometown to their vacation house to get away from the world. In the middle of the movie she tells us that she left her husband because was not longer happy with their marriage after their son die. For Olivia Harris we can see that home is emotional state, rather than physical place for her. In movie we see that Olivia lives alone in a vacation house which seems bigger than any other character home, and yet she feels that she has no one in her life. In the middle of the movie we see that Olivia emotion come out whenever see think about her son or see kids that are playing. While Olivia was sitting with Fin and Joe on the front porch of Fin, Olivia saw a young boy who was playing soccer with a two kids. It was boy and a girl, the boy had remembered Olivia her son. Right then she becomes very emotional because thought of son, Sam. Olivia runs to her SUV to go home so she would not feel that pain anymore. All three main characters appear to be running away from their past from their old hometown. They all found more than new home they had found each other. For that they are home emotional and physical state.
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