Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Non Shopaholic

Why do people love shopping? Shopping is a stressful experience. There are always pushy staff who will always force you into buying products that you do not want. How is shopping fun when you always end up going to the mall shoppping from one store to another. How could you enjoy shopping when all you hear is different loud music from each store? The worst part about shopping is when you find something you like, you must always try it on and see if it fits on correctly. Shopping is not a fun experience, its a stressful experience. How could you shop when ever store you go to has pushy staff who give u a fake smile and try to convince you into buying their products. When you tell them that you dont want their products, their smiles will automacitly fall from their face. How could you enjoy shopping when all you hear all day is loud music coming from different stores. That really gives me a big headache. Shopping is not fun at all.


  1. In this post, Suban writes that shopping is a stressful experience. While some people may completely agree with this, I think that it is important to remember that not EVERYONE feels that way. Many people actually go shopping to relieve stress. Shopping doesn't necessarily mean trying on clothes and getting forced into buying things, it may just be a matter of where you choose to shop. I do agree that it is stressful to go into a store with loud, annoying music but because I feel that way, I simply choose to walk past those stores rather than go inside to shop around. I also really hate trying things on but there is a solution to doing that! If I am not in the mood to try something on, I pick out what I think would fit me best and buy it. Then when I take it home, I can try it on whenever I feel like it and if it doesn't fit, I return it! Although it may not be the most logical answer, it is definitely an alternative to having to wait in line at a fitting room, change your outfit and then come to find that you absolutely hate what you've just tried on or it doesn't fit at all.

  2. In her post, Suban Warsame claims that shopping is in general a stressful and unpleasant task and that all stores are full of pushy, artificially- congenial employees who are only out to sell something at any cost. While she may personally feel this way, I disagree with her blanket generalization of the shopping experience. Certainly there are stores where the employees’ salaries are based on commission so, yes, they may be slightly more aggressive in their selling techniques, but their job is to make you feel GOOD about what you are buying. If we are going to apply a blanket generalization to anything related to shopping it should be that “happy people buy more stuff”.

    Additionally, shopping, like any other experience in life, is only as good or bad as you make it and having an unpleasant outlook before you have even began is counter-productive at best. I’m not saying we should all go into a store looking at life like Pollyanna, the proverbial Little Miss Sunshine of literature, but I truly believe that thinking positively about a situation at least sets you up for success a lot better than looking at the situation as being unpleasant before you’ve even experienced it.

  3. in her post,Suban Warsame talks about stressfull experiance of shopping. but in the other hand there is joyful experiance about shopping. shopping is when a family, couples, or friends go to buy things at happy times. shopping times are wonderful because you get explore a variety of clothes in many different's a time when one gets to find out the other one's choice and we get tease one another's choice. there is such passion about shopping.
