Sometimes I think that if I put half of what I've ever posted online in front of my own mother, she'd never even realize it was my writing. In fact, I'd be willing to bet you $100 right now that the first words out of her mouth once she had been told that it was my writing would be "I would have never known. It certainly doesn't SOUND like you." And I'm willing to follow that bet up with another one about YOU. I'm willing to bet another $100 your mom wouldn't recognize your online alter-ego either. Huh? Denying it? Don't. Your resistance if futile.
Isn't it funny how once we jump on a computer, our braver (albeit often stupider) side comes out to play? Okay, okay maybe the stupider comment was a bit much for you to take, but you have to admit that you do it too. Its okay, we all do it. Admitting you have a problem being your sweet, cordial, polite self when you are online like you are when you are offline is the first step to overcoming your - I mean, our - problem. There, don't you feel better? I know I do. Besides, its not like anyone would know your real name is Bob when your username is actually KillFluffyBunniesForFun or anything. That's the beauty of the internet, unless they're a FBI or CIA computer hacker, no one will ever know! Isn't that great?!
Now if you'll excuse me HellCat2000 needs to rip someone a new one. Ahem......
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