Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Confessions of a Workaholic

Is it just me or does it kind of seem like jobs control the planet? I mean, obviously they're important and necessary, that's not what i mean. They control the planet by controlling the minds of everyone on it! I've had enough with people putting their jobs before everything else for convenience. HOW DOES YOUR JOB MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE CONVENIENT?! The problem is the way we look at it. We buy things to save time so we can work more but would all that extra work be necessary if we didn't waste the money on some stupid time saving meal or other convenient purchase. Think about it, someone who works every day and gets a thirty minute lunch break probably quickly runs to a restaurant and probably spends a couple bucks on a quick meal that they cant take back to the office. Of course they need a quick meal because they have to get back to work! Think about how much money someone working five to seven days a week could save if they started bringing their food from home. No one would even have to leave their desk to get food! Then they wouldn't miss a minute of work time. But hey, if they're not spending all that money, maybe they can afford to miss a little work time since they won't be needing all that money for their expensive take out food! The other time and money saving strategy would just be being satisfied with what we have! Why do we always need the next best thing when what we have is perfectly functionable? Just like working for money for food, we work so much to buy nice things! Now, that is not where the problem lies. Of course we are allowed to treat ourselves when we work hard to earn money. The problem is not being happy with it! An Example? Perhaps you know someone who just bought a brand new television. They probably put in a lot of time at work to afford that TV. So when are they gonna watch it? They'll probably tell you that now that they have it, how much do you want to bet that they are going to go back hard to work so they can go buy some other nice thing. We need to live in the moment, think about what our families and friends need from us for once instead of always thinking about what our job needs from us. Take a step back and look at the order in which you've placed your priorities!